
samedi 2 mai 2009

WHO to stop using term 'swine flu' to protect pigs

GENEVA – The World Health Organization announced Thursday it will would stop using the term "swine flu" to avoid confusion over the danger posed by pigs। The policy shift came a day after Egypt began slaughtering thousands of pigs in a misguided effort to prevent swine flu। WHO spokesman Dick Thompson said the agriculture industry and the U।N। food agency had expressed concerns that the term "swine flu" was misleading consumers and needlessly causing countries to ban pork products and order the slaughter of pigs। "Rather than calling this swine flu ... we're going to stick with the technical scientific name H1N1 influenza A," or just call it "Mexican flu"Thompson said.
 "Alors que le Canada a fait part samedi de 85 cas confirmés de grippe A(H1N1) dans le pays, une transmission de l'homme au porc a été constatée pour la première fois dans le monde dans la province d'Alberta, ont confirmé les autorités sanitaires canadiennes samedi dans un communiqué. Il apparaît fort probable que des porcs aient été exposés au virus par le biais d'un fermier canadien, revenu du Mexique le 12 avril et présentant des symptômes semblables à ceux de la "GRIPPE MEXICAINE", pouvait-on lire dans le communiqué de l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments (ACIA)."
"While Canada has announced Saturday 85 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) in the country, transmission of human pork was found for the first time in the world in the province of Alberta have confirmed Canadian health authorities Saturday in a statement. It appears highly likely that pigs were exposed to the virus through a Canadian farmer, income from Mexico on April 12 and showing symptoms similar to the "FLU MEXICAN", pouvait-on lire dans le communiqué de l Agency Canadian Food Inspection (CFIA)."
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